The WAWA Story
What began as a community struggle for environmental justice evolved into an organization that also fosters environmental stewardship. The West Atlanta Watershed Alliance (WAWA) arose from community efforts to halt discriminatory waste water treatment practices in west Atlanta.
The West Atlanta Watershed Alliance is a community based, non-profit organization dedicated to improving and protecting the quality of life for the residents and environmental quality in the west Atlanta. WAWA is an advocate for preserving greenspace, protecting and improving water quality, and promoting good environmental health within the adopted watersheds of Proctor, Sandy and Utoy Creeks.
WAWA ABA - "Seed of the WAWA Tree" - Adinkra Symbol of hardiness, toughness, and perseverance
This West African symbol, WAWA ABA, is the "Seed of the WAWA Tree". The seed of the WAWA tree is extremely hard. In the West African Akan culture, it is a symbol of someone who is strong and tough. It inspires the individual to persevere through hardship.
Westside Story: Sites and Scenes from the West Atlanta Watershed
Westside Story: Sites and Scenes from the West Atlanta Watershed