Tuesday, December 21, 2010

WAWA Joins Do Good Get Rewards to Recognize Volunteers

WAWA has just linked up with the Do Good Get Rewards Program to celebrate our awesome volunteers! Because we rely on volunteers to support our mission, we want to show our appreciation to those who give countless hours of hard work to advance our work. To that end, we are now participating in an online volunteer rewards program so that our volunteers can receive valuable rewards for the hours they contribute to WAWA. All current and new volunteers can sign up at  www.DoGoodGetRewards.com. Volunteers can receive points for up to 10 volunteer hours per week and redeem them for valuable rewards such as, vacations, hotel and restaurant certificates, gift cards, spa services and entertainment.
We hope that our volunteers will find this program to be of value and accept it as a symbol of our gratitude for sharing valuable time and energy with us! To learn more about volunteering with WAWA, click here